Programari i tecnologia Programari lliure

Why I still haven’t blogged about GUADEC 2010

  • Because I’m lazy.
  • Because I’m not at home yet.

After GUADEC, Gil and I took a train to Germany and we’re traveling around the country with our friend Keywan, who very kindly offered to host us at his home, also asked his friends to host us in different cities and is being our guide these days.

I’ll blog about GUADEC soon-ish 😉

Programari i tecnologia Programari lliure

GCDS – after hours


Okay, so the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit ended a week ago. I can’t thank enough the Travel Committee people for allowing me to attend the conference once more. It was great, as usual 🙂

  • I didn’t get the chance to say goodbye to some people, sorry about that. See you guys next year 😉
  • Diego, thanks a lot for the chocolates!!! Yum!
  • Was I the only one who missed the GNOME Love/Hate Wall??? Next year I’ll make sure it’s back 😉
  • I enjoyed the GNOME-ES talks I attended.
  • We had dinner with the GNOME Hispano guys. It was fun.
  • I loved the lightning talks. And I also loved the “off-topic” lightning talks (that is, talks about anything not related to GNOME)!
  • One of the local guys, Manolo, was kind enough to guide Gil and me around the island. We discovered that Gran Canaria is beautiful 🙂

You’ll find some GCDS pictures in the Gallery.

GUADEC, see you next year!

Programari i tecnologia Programari lliure

GCDS Day… ¿?

Ok, so I should better start blogging about GCDS, or the travel committee will not sponsor me next year, oops!

Well, so the GCDS started a few days ago. It’s been pretty interesting so far. The first two days were busy at the info desk; many more people than we expected showed up the first day, even though there were no talks at all -just the registration.

I went to Richard Stallman’s keynote; it was fascinating (both in a good and in a bad way). I also learned that Banshee will do photos; Aaron, the speaker, said that this will allow F-Spot to become more advanced and professional (“think Adobe Lightroom”, he said). Ehem, I personally doubt it.

Yesterday we went to a party sponsored by Igalia. The place was amazing – there were BIG beds were people could sit (or lay) down and chill out!

Vincent didn’t bring me the OpenSuse t-shirt he promised last year… Ok, the fact that I didn’t send him an e-mail to remind him about it didn’t help.

To be continued… 🙂

Programari i tecnologia Programari lliure

Tres dies per al Gran Canaria Desktop Summit

Del 3 a l’11 de juliol, els desenvolupadors i els usuaris dels escriptoris GNOME i KDE ens trobarem a Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: enguany s’ha fusionat la GUADEC i l’Akademy en un esdeveniment anomenat Gran Canaria Desktop Summit.

Com en aquests darrers anys, gràcies a l’Sponsorship Travel Committee, d’aquí a un parell de dies agafo l’avió cap a Las Palmas de Gran Canaria! Els agraeixo molt que em donin l’oportunitat de participar en aquestes conferències, i d’ajudar-hi. Si veniu a la GCDS segurament em trobareu darrere el taulell de l’Info Desk, com cada any 😉

Aquest any, tots aquells que tenim la sort que ens patrocinin el viatge totalment o parcialment durem aquesta xapa:

Programari i tecnologia

La majoria dels telèfons mòbils utilitzaran el mateix carregador…

…a partir de 2012.

Avui he llegit a El periódico que,  segons que s’ha anunciat al Mobile World Congress de Barcelona, els principals fabricants de telèfons mòbils del món han arribat a un acord per utilitzar el mateix carregador micro USB. Amb aquesta mesura es pretén reduir en un 50% la despesa d’energia en el mode en espera i, així, reduir també l’emissió de gasos contaminants. I, de pas, es facilitarà la vida als milions d’usuaris de telèfon mòbil que anem acumulant carregadors al fons del calaix (i això que jo només he canviat de mòbil quan se m’ha espatllat!) i, a sobre, quan en necessitem un, cap dels que tenim no és compatible amb el nostre aparell actual.

El primer que he pensat en llegir la notícia ha estat “Ja era hora!“. La segona cosa que he pensat ha estat “A partir de 2012??? Tardarà més que l’AVE…“.